Find the file opcheckout.js, it should be in your ’skin/{interface}/{theme}/js/’ directory.

Open it and look for:

[crayon lang=»php»]gotoSection: function(section)
section = $(‹opc-‹+section);
}, [/crayon]

Replace with:
[crayon lang=»php»]gotoSection: function(section)
section = $(‹opc-‹+section);
try {
pageTracker._trackPageview(‹/checkout/› + section + ‹/›);
} catch(err) {}

Open your Google Analytics and add the following as a goal:

Active goal: on
Match type: Head Match
Goal URL: /checkout/onepage/success/

Goal Name: Successful Purchase

Case sensitive: [unchecked]

Step 1: /checkout/onepage Checkout Start [required step: yes]
Step 2: /checkout/onepage/opc-billing Billing Adddress
Step 3: /checkout/onepage/opc-shipping Shipping Adddress
Step 4: /checkout/onepage/opc-shipping_method Shipping Method
Step 5: /checkout/onepage/opc-payment Payment Method
Step 6: /checkout/onepage/opc-review Order Summary
Step 7: /checkout/onepage/opc-review-placeOrderClicked Confirmation Button Clicked

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