Wenn Nginx im Einsatz ist, muss bei der Verwendung des PostFinance E-Payment Gateways in einem Shop sicher gestellt werden, dass der Useragent ‹Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)› vom Server nicht blockiert wird, da PostFinance diesen bei Callbacks verwendet.

Wir hatten hierzu von WPengine folgendes Feedback erhalten:

I have the server configured to allow connections with that Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library) to come through normally now. I should have thought to check the server logs for that possibility earlier, but hopefully this update will have the callback processed correctly from this point. Please give that functionality another try when you have a moment and let me know if we’re still seeing any server-side issues.

If it is ever needed for reference, this is the block of code added to the site’s nginx configuration to allow this connection to come through:

if ($http_user_agent = "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; Indy Library)") { 


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